Hobby Log - Tyranids Progress

I continued this past week in getting my Tyranids painted, although I didn’t get nearly as much finished as I had hoped. However, here are the pictures of models I have added since the last progress report. Enjoy!

First up is the Zoanthrope. I painted his brain with flesh paint and then washed it blue, in an attempt to recreate some kind of psychically charged ooze. I really want to paint some gloss varnish on to see if it helps, but for now I decided to leave it as is.

Zoanthrope Front View

Zoanthrope Profile

Zoanthrope Close-up

I also completed a squad of twelve Termagants this week. These went much more quickly than I expected; unfortunately I didn’t have a lot of extra time to paint, so they were about all I completed.

My first Termagant Brood - oh, they grow up so fast…

Top view

Termagant 1 - Profile

Termagant 2 - Profile

Finally, I have a “swarm” picture for the week, although it is not impressive in terms of numbers yet. I have several other models that just need their basing completed, and my Hive Guard are almost finished. I’m hoping that between these units, the swarm will start to look more beefy during next week’s progress update.


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