40k Video Battle Report – Exterminatus Down: The Battle for Agora Continues

Today we’ve got a continuation of the Battle for Agora, with the Relictors 2nd Company defending one of the last objectives from enemy hands. In this instance, the Space Marines have become the target of a Tyranid assault, led by The Swarmlord.

For this mission, the sole objective is all that matters. There are no bonus points to be earned by protecting your Warlord, preventing First Blood, or breaking the enemy’s line. The lone objective is worth 5 Victory Points, so whoever controls it will win the game. Due to damage sustained by the Imperials in previous games, their forces will play with 10% less points than the opposing force. However, they receive +1 to all Cover Saves in their Deployment Zone, and they get to determine the location of the objective.

If Captain Surat lived out the rest of his years and never saw another Tyranid, it would be fine by him.

The past year on Agora had been taxing in the extreme, with casualties continuing to spill in against his company and the other Chapter assets he controlled. The Tyranids were growing in strength with every attack, and the destruction of the Exteriminatus ship meant ever more of the biological terrors were making planetfall and assisting in the consumption.

Techmarine Ketum muttered to himself as he sifted through the smoking rubble. A portion of the starship had fallen here, and the ruins were still on fire from the terrific impact. There were salvageable components that remained, if only the Tyranids would keep their distance and allow the excavation.

Almost in response to his thoughts, the thunder of scores of feet became audible. His men were already deployed for the defense, and the Scout squads had given them a heads-up as to the location of the swarm. It appeared the Tyranids would bypass the small scavenging party, but now it seemed they’d changed direction.

“Prepare for contact.”

The Armies

Relictors 2nd Company
Space Marines – 1,800

Chapter Tactics: White Scars

Captain Surat (Kor’sarro Khan): WARLORD



Sternguard Veteran Squad: four additional Veterans; Rhino transport


Tactical Squad: Plasma Gun, Sergeant has Combi-Plasma, Rhino transport

Tactical Squad: Flamer, Razorback transport with Lascannon and Twin Plasma Guns

Tactical Squad: Flamer, Razorback transport with Lascannon and Twin Plasma Guns

Fast Attack

Assault Squad: four additional Assault Marines, 2x Flamer, Sergeant has Power Maul, Rhino transport

Stormtalon Gunship: Twin Assault Cannons, Skyhammer Missile Launcher

Stormtalon Gunship: Twin Assault Cannons, Skyhammer Missile Launcher

Heavy Support

Centurion Devastator Squad: Twin Lascannons, Missile Launchers, Sergeant has Omniscope



Hive Fleet Nug – Consumption Swarm
Tyranids – 2,000


The Swarmlord: WARLORD; Onslaught, Paroxysm, The Horror
            Tyrant Guard Brood: one additional Tyrant Guard

Hive Tyrant: Wings, 2x Twin Devourers with Brainleech Worms; Onslaught, Catalyst


Hive Guard Brood: two additional Hive Guard, Impaler Cannons

Zoanthrope Brood: two additional Zoanthropes; Warp Blast, Onslaught

Venomthrope Brood: one additional Venomthrope


Hormagaunt Brood: nine additional Hormagaunts

Hormagaunt Brood: nine additional Hormagaunts

Hormagaunt Brood: nine additional Hormagaunts

Hormagaunt Brood: nine additional Hormagaunts

Fast Attack

Hive Crone

Hive Crone

Heavy Support



Techmarine Ketum grunted with effort as his axe carved through another hissing Hormagaunt. The Sternguard were putting up a valiant effort, but one by one they were falling beneath the tide of blades. Even more sickening was the side of blood-slicked jaws, as the Tyranid organisms stopped to feed.

Ketum triggered his Flamer and roared in vindication, purging the last of the mindless beasts and stepping clear. It would only take a few more minutes to recover the lost technology. If only the rest of the company could hold them off…

A terrible shadow loomed over Ketum, and he turned to see a beast with crackling sabers for arms. Winged beasts swooped low to carry away clutches of battle-brothers, and organic weapons delivered their grisly ammunition to terrifying effect. The beast considered Ketum with a cold fascination, before plunging into the ruins to scour the Space Marine resistance.

Post-game Thoughts

Five turns is a very short time to reach this objective, but the 10% reduction in enemy forces really gives the attacker a chance to push through.

I used a refused flank approach to avoid the Whirlwind in the opening turns, and in the hopes that I could deliver overwhelming force on the objective and give Swarmlord time to close the distance and start clearing Space Marine squads. Overall, the plan worked rather well, although there were several moments it could have turned out differently.

I’m still enjoying the Mawlocs; coupled with Swarmlord’s Reserve bonus, they feel very functional, even when they miss or have no target for their Terror From the Deep. Stay tuned for more from Agora as the campaign continues, and we prepare to move into 7th edition!


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