Hobby Progress – The Scourge

This week I really went crazy. If I had maintained focus and directed it solely at painting models in my 1,500 point army, I’m almost certain I would have made it. I have my first game with the tomorrow, so chances are that when they debut in the battle reports I will have one game with some unpainted models.

It has been really rewarding to see the army being completed before playing. This has motivated me to carry on and knock out the units ahead of time, and it hasn’t burned me out like speed painting while playing an army. I have yet to play the Scourge with the exception of one starter set game, so needless to say I’m excited to show off all my hard work in my first game tomorrow!

First off, I painted a squad of Reaper AAGTs. These guys feel utterly indispensable in a Scourge army, and I’m eager to find out if that is true.

Some of my pictures are blurry, but they were the best I could manage. I don’t know if the camera on my iPhone has trouble focusing on the jagged lines in the models, or if my camera is just wearing out. Bear with me!

I also painted the Invader APCs for my big group of infantry in my 1,500 point list.

Then I went sideways, and decided that my infantry were too easy to paint. With this in mind, I went ahead and knocked out all eight bases of Razorworms and all twelve stands of Warriors that I owned at the time. Some more Warriors have come into the house since, but this has all my Razorworms done.

Back on track, I knocked out my Desolator. I am incredibly happy with this model. It really fits the cruel, oppressive ways of the Scourge, and it was a lot of fun to paint. It has me looking forward to the Annihilators I have!


Finally, I have some pictures of the army as it stands today. It is really coming along, and I have a table full of models in process on my production line. Comments and criticism are always welcome!


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